The Binney Memorial Medal is awarded for the bravest action in support of law and order performed for the year in the areas controlled by the Metropolitan or City of London police by any person not a member of a police force.
The award was instituted in 1947 as a memorial to Captain Ralph Binney RN, who lost his life in 1944 when he made a gallant and single-handed attempt to prevent the escape of ‘smash and grab’ thieves in the City of London.
Captain Binney’s friends in the Royal Navy wanted to commemorate his bravery in some way and so they subscribed to a Trust Fund to found a medal to be awarded annually.
The awards, presented at Goldsmiths’ Hall, are made by a selection committee comprising the Chief Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate, who is chairman, the Commissioners of the Metropolitan and City police, the Chief of Fleet Support and the Clerk of the Goldsmith’ Company.
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