André Malraux (1901-1976), French writer and politician, with Marc Chagall (1937-1985), French painter, and his wife Valentina Vava Brodsky, during the opening of the exhibition


Special instructions: Prior permission required for all advertising & promotional use or use on consumer goods & derivative products. | Artist copyright must also be cleared © ADAGP or corresponding collecting society. | Sale allowed André Malraux (1901-1976), French writer and politician, with Marc Chagall (1937-1985), French painter, and his wife Valentina Vava Brodsky, during the opening of the exhibition "Le Message biblique" (The Biblical message) at the Louvre museum. Paris, on June 22, 1967. Photograph by René Chomont, from the collections of the French newspaper "France-Soir". Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris. Credit: Chomont, René / Fonds France-Soir / BHVP / Roger-Viollet /TopFoto